My Hp printer F 4288 is not detected by pc? - Hp Printer Offline Fixer 1-800-304-0103

Hp Printer Offline Fixer 1-800-304-0103

#United-states any times your Printer may get error message/not printing – User intervention required on your Windows 10-8-7 computer/Mac-desktop,or Laptop when you go on to print some documents and file. If your Printer will not print(Printer not printing) and you receive such error messages,why is my hp printer offline continue, so we are here for troubleshooting steps that you face.

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My Hp printer F 4288 is not detected by pc?

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My Hp printer F 4288 is not detected by pc?

I have HP Desk jet F4288 printer
1) Two day before it stopped working and showing printer offline message so i am unable to print
2) I tried all the possible method, reinstalling driver, software and also changed the data cable.

3) At last i reinstalled windows 7 . Now it is no detecting the printer. and showing "connect the data cable" message, which i already connected

4) It is photocopying the document but not printing (not detected by pc)
Update: It is previously printing on windows 7. So i think problem is not with driver of windows 7

 Best Answer:  Try getting the printer drivers designed for Win 7 OS.

If that does not solve the problem, you might need to run a lower version of the OS like Win XP to get the printer running.

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